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We Need To Talk About…the Big ‘c’

13 November 2018

Hi everyone!

It’s far from the happiest subject we’ve talked about on The Briars Blog – but it’s one that needs addressing, particularly for us as a dental practice, as November is Mouth Cancer Action Month.

Sadly, nearly all of us will have some experience of cancer during our lifetimes – whether it’s a personal battle, supporting a family member through their treatment, or raising a smile from a friend in the middle of their journey. While it may seem like cancer is winning the fight, with 2.5 million people currently living with the diagnosis – the UK has leapt into action, with charities like Cancer Research UK, and Macmillan continuing to raise support and awareness with events such as the Race for Life, and the ever-popular Macmillan Coffee Morning. Channel 4 for the past few years has joined forces with Cancer Research, and managed to raise a whopping 24 million pounds to arm us with the tools to beat cancer for good. In fact, the Stand up to Cancer website predicts by 2034, 3 in 4 people will survive their cancer battle.

The Briars have always been avid supporters of cancer charities, raising money where we can, and participating in charity events. This week, we have broken all dental rules and made some very yummy cookies in the shape of the blue Mouth Cancer Awareness ribbon to sell and raise money for Mouth Cancer Action Month – if you are in the Newbury area on Wednesday of this week (the 14th), call in and pick one up for yourself!

The Briars also provide our patients with an oral cancer screening at every check-up, to ensure anything unusual is picked up on, and dealt with as early as possible. This has always been a routine part of our dental examination, but with awareness of mouth cancer at its peak – we like to reassure our patients that we screen every single person, no matter what age you are. The screening is very simple – you might notice that your dentist asks you to stick out your tongue, then move it from left to right, and up and down – not to make you look daft (we promise), but to check every part of the tongue, and to allow clearer access to your soft and hard tissues so they too can be seen adequately. The dentist will feel the lymph nodes in your neck, and under your chin – checking for any abnormalities or increase in size. If your dentist has a concern, even a very minor one, they will usually take a photo of the area, record any necessary measurements and ask you to come back within a short time frame – just to re-check the area of concern, and refer you to oral surgery if necessary.

Mouth Cancer Action Month is all about awareness of signs and symptoms – knowing when you need to visit your dentist for an assessment if something doesn’t look or feel quite right. Some of the early symptoms can include:

– A lump in your mouth or on your lip that doesn’t disappear after two weeks.
– An ulcer in your mouth that doesn’t heal after 3 weeks.
– A lump on your neck for no known reason, that doesn’t go away on its own.
– Red, or red and white patches in your mouth.

It is important with any of the above symptoms that you visit either your dentist or your GP straight away. If it is proving difficult to get an appointment, due to availability of the practitioner – tell the receptionist why you are calling, and explain that it is urgent you are seen.

The earlier the diagnosis, the better the prognosis.

I have put several different links at the bottom of the blog today – one of them will take you to the Mouth Cancer Foundation ‘signs and symptoms’ page, which has a much longer list of symptoms that can be an indication of something needing more investigation. If you have any concerns, or simply want to know what to look for, it is a good guide to use. The website is full of support networks, such as community forums, or even helplines if you wish to speak to someone.

Before I leave you all to your day, I would like to share a story that I can across one evening on Facebook. It is a post from a 21-year-old girl called Millie – and it is all about her battle with Mouth Cancer. The post really affected me, I don’t know whether it was just because of her age, or because it shared the brutal reality of what Mouth Cancer is – but it is a story I feel is worth sharing with you again today. Millie is still undergoing treatment, but has very kindly agreed for us to share her story with you.

‘I would absolutely agree to you sharing my story…it’s stories like ours and professionals like yourself that will raise the awareness of this disease and start the beginnings of early detection. I pray your post reaches many.’

Millie’s Story:

November is the month of #MouthCancerActionMonth. This is something up until 8 months ago I had never even heard about. But November is also the month that I will start what I hope to be the last leg of my journey in beating this horrible disease with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Head and Neck cancer is the 13th most common cancer in the world. And 3 out of 4 people in the UK would not know what signs to look for if they had mouth cancer. I certainly didn’t. It is a disease that mostly affects elderly people. However, it can affect anyone!!

I have kept this private apart from close family, friends and work colleagues but here’s my journey.

I’d had a niggling mouth ulcer on the left side of my tongue throughout the new year, starting mid-January time. It was painful and stung like any other mouth ulcer. I thought nothing of it and used pharmacy products to try and help ease the discomfort. It grew and became more sore right into February time. I was struggling to eat, or drink or talk! Everyone kept telling me it wasn’t right but I kept telling myself it was nothing and that I was too busy to sort it out. Looking back now, this was such a mistake.

I went to the doctor in early March. I had developed a constant painful earache on my left side. I wasn’t eating or drinking, I had lost SO much weight. I felt tired. And was in constant agony with this mouth ulcer. It had grown about 3x its original size and had started to turn a brown/green colour by this point and bled a lot. I would catch the ulcer on my tongue numerous times a day and night. I sat up crying at night in such pain and discomfort because I couldn’t rest my tongue in my mouth comfortably enough to sleep. After hearing all this, the doctor looked into my ear and said it was inflamed. She looked at my mouth and sent me away like I was a pest.

Fast forward a week. The day before my 21st Birthday. I had a routine dental appointment. He looked into my mouth and stopped straight away. He said he couldn’t assess me that day. He had to urgently refer me to the hospital to be seen. It looked like I had pre-cancerous lesions in my mouth.

In the next couple of weeks, I had numerous tests, scans, biopsies. And on April 12th at 1:30pm, mine and my family’s lives came to a haltering stop. As my lovely consultant placed his hand on my shoulder and broke the news. I was diagnosed with stage 2 mouth cancer aged 21. I felt numb.

I waited over a month for my consultant to reserve an ‘emergency’ slot in theatre. However, this took so long because my operation would last 16 hours. That’s a lot of other patients that would need rearranging for me to have mine. But it was an emergency as I was so young. And my cancer seemed aggressive. This waiting time was agonising for me and my family. Knowing you are walking around like normal, with this disease tearing through your body, rotting it away was horrible. Yet it never felt real. Like it wasn’t happening to me.

By the time my theatre slot was booked it was late May. I was such a mess the morning of my surgery. Petrified for when I woke up how different my life would be. I was in theatre for the full 16 hours. The months wait had meant that the cancer had taken 3/4 of my tongue. The floor of my mouth. And had travelled into the left side lymph nodes in my neck. All of this had to be removed. My cancer was aggressive after all. More than anyone had thought.

I woke up in the Intensive care unit disorientated but perked up fast. I looked down and had a tracheostomy (a tube in the bottom of my neck to breath for me) my left arm bandaged completely (as my tongue was rebuilt out of muscle, arteries and skin from my left arm), a feeding tube up my nose, and wires coming from every direction!
I couldn’t use my mouth at all. Not even to talk.

I stayed in hospital for 3 and a half weeks. Breathing through a tube, being fed through my nose and communicating through writing on paper. I could not count the amount of times I broke down (at any hour of the day!). Having a tracheostomy was the most horrendous ordeal for me. It leaked and spat out phlegm from my chest constantly. And not being able to talk could get frustrating. But I met so many wonderful nurses and doctors who became my friends along the way and pushed me to learn to talk again.

I left hospital in June and began my long recovery journey, went to speech and language therapy, learnt to eat again from liquid food, to what looked like a Picasso painting, to solid food and (probably too soon) I went back to work and began my life again as best I could. I thought I was clear.

In August I found a lump in the right side of my neck. I went to my GP again, he said I had an infection and sent me away with antibiotics. I took them for a week. My mum wasn’t happy as I felt terribly ill again, she rang my consultant at the hospital who brought me in that day for an appointment. He felt my neck and said I needed a biopsy. I had that the same day.

On the 1st September I was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer in the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. This time I felt it all. I was numb but very emotional. I couldn’t understand the unfairness of it all. Why had this happened to me the first time? And why was it happening again? I felt weak, mentally and physically. Why was this happening to me? I broke down.

I was operated on 2 weeks later. Again, my cancer was aggressive. The tumour had quadrupled in size from my diagnosis to my surgery date. And in surgery it became clear the cancer had attacked my jugular vein too. The walls of the vein collapsed when I was opened up. I was bleeding out and my surgeon decided to remove the vein too.

I was in hospital for 2 weeks the second time. But because the cancer was in my vein, it’s likely to be travelling around my body right now, finding somewhere to settle. Therefore, I need chemotherapy to target my blood. And radiotherapy to target my neck area and kill any possible cells left from both surgeries.

Having chemotherapy and radiotherapy at a young age is not ideal, there is a lot of unknown. And a lot of research into the effects of chemo and radiotherapy on young people and the effects in later life. One, is the probability of reduced or complete infertility. Therefore, before my treatment later this month, I am currently undergoing IVF treatment (where I inject myself every day with hormones) In order to harvest my eggs and freeze them in case this happens. Although it may not, it is better to be safe. I have learnt that.
I have had a PEG tube inserted into my stomach, ready for my treatment as the radiotherapy to my neck will mean I become too sore to swallow food or drink.

I am not looking forward to the next 12 weeks. In fact, I am petrified to have to have radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
And what upsets me most is that this could have been prevented from happening if there was more awareness of this disease.

I now have the most WELL LOOKED AFTER mouth of anybody I know!! I have my mouth regularly looked and poked at and I pray this won’t happen to anybody I know and love.
I have had THE most amazing support and love from my family and close friends throughout this journey my life has taken. However, my journey needn’t have been so tough if my GP had originally known the CLASSIC signs of head and neck cancer. People who have head and neck cancer and survive their first encounter have a 20 times higher risk of developing a second cancer. Just like me.
I could have been around a month ahead of where I was the first time. My cancer wouldn’t have spread so far through my mouth, or to my neck, either times.

This was extremely difficult for me to share. I have been embarrassed to share my journey with people for fear of being judged, I find head and neck or more closely, mouth cancer to be disgusting and embarrassing. I’ve feared judgement for having this horrible disease. However, I want to raise awareness for people and for GP’s to get the correct training for diagnosis.
Please, I don’t want any pity but rather take a moment to look at the photos I have taken to document my journey so far. And maybe take a look online to find out more or how to prevent head and neck/mouth cancer.

Millie’s story is a sad reminder that cancer can affect anyone at any time – The Briars Team wish her all the best with her treatment, and hope she makes a full recovery. A huge thank you again Millie for being so brave and letting us share your story.

I will catch you all next week, look after yourselves.

Amy x

Mouth Cancer Foundation: http://mouthcancerfoundation.org/patients-guide/symptoms

Macmillan Cancer Support: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/

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I recently visited Briars Dental Practice in Newbury and had a truly excellent experience. From the moment I walked in, the receptionist greeted me warmly and made me feel welcome. The hygienist who saw me prior to my appointment with the dentist was very thorough and gave me some great advice on how to keep my teeth healthy.I was then seen by Richard, one of the dentists at the practice, and I have to say that he and his nurse were fantastic. They put me at ease throughout the whole procedure, were extremely professional and caring, and made sure that I was comfortable at all times. I was also impressed by their attention to detail and their willingness to take the time to answer all of my questions.In fact, I was so pleased with my experience that I would also like to mention another dentist named Richard who saw me previously. He too was excellent, very thorough and professional, and I felt very well taken care of during my appointments with him.Overall, I can't recommend Briars Dental Practice highly enough. The staff are all so friendly, professional, and knowledgeable, and they really go above and beyond to make sure that their patients are well looked after. If you're looking for a great dental practice in Newbury, look no further than Briars.
Beatrice Andreea
Beatrice Andreea
12:07 11 May 23
Thank you for a wonderful experience, I am a coward when it comes to the dentist, Mr Nick French, put me at ease, and has the patience of a Saint. I would also say the dental nurse was I lovely lady who let me crush her hand while I was having my injections. I give Briars Dental Centre 10 out of 10, and would not hesitate to recommend them.
Jan Hamments
Jan Hamments
19:11 29 Jun 23
I had a hygienist appointment with Jo and her nurse, Suzanne. It was the first time I’d tried GBT and found the experience much more comfortable than usual. Jo and Suzanne really put me at ease and made sure I was happy throughout the treatment. It was good being able to clearly see the areas which I needed to improve on brushing and Jo gave me great tips. Would highly recommend
Lauren Jade
Lauren Jade
16:52 19 Jun 23
After such a positive experience today with Richard I thought it only fair to delete my previous review. I am a very nervous patient and not ashamed to say I cried before my appointment. Richard and his lovely dental nurse were so understanding and treated me with kindness and empathy. Richard explained everything to me and allowed me to go at my pace. All options for my next appointment were explained to me and I now have trust in Richard that I feel I will not need full sedation. I was in alot of pain prior to my appointment today along with an enormous amount of anxiety. Richard even explained to me how to breathe when having treatment- no other dentist has ever explained that to me before!Thank you again Richard and to your lovely dental nurse.
Mary Lovelock
Mary Lovelock
15:03 24 Apr 23
I had my consultancy appointment with Chelsea today who looked after me very well. She was very friendly and easy to talk to and explained everything to me very nicely. And also answered all of my questions and made me feel at ease today and for future appointments. It was nice to meet you, and thank you.Glenn.
Glenn Cooper
Glenn Cooper
22:20 23 May 23
I recently had to visit Richard Lineker as I'd broken a tooth.He and his lovely nurse Agata made me feel comfortable and explained what treatment I needed.They work extremely well as a team andmy treatment was painless.
Pauline Preston
Pauline Preston
13:59 12 Jul 23
Wanted to share my mother's thoughts of recent experience visiting Jo Craig hygienist."Jo was attentive , caring gentle and thorough today.I came out feeling fresh and motivated.Well looked after also by her lovely nurse Jenny."Angela Shaw.
Suzanne Hendry
Suzanne Hendry
11:03 21 Jul 23
I am very pleased with the treatment I received. After another dentist had told me the tooth had to be extracted, Mr Fady Khoury managed to save the tooth. The procedure was carried out in a very efficient and professional manner and I am very happy with the outcome.
Terence Marshall
Terence Marshall
16:03 24 Jul 23
Had an appointment with Chelsea today and it went very very well. Had my scans and photos done for Invisalign, which can be a bit awkward but she made it a comfortable experience. She was very friendly, welcoming, put me at ease and asked if I had any overall questions at that stage of the process. She was knowledgeable and explained everything I asked about. It's my first time at this clinic so I'm looking forward for my second appointment to discuss treatment. Great first impression from the moment I stepped through the door! Thanks!
11:01 31 Jul 23
A very happy customer! I had quite a lot of crooked and misaligned teeth so Victoria introduced me to Invisalign. She carefully created a program to give me the smile I wanted. In the end it took longer than we had expected but Victoria very diligently took me through every step of the process and she didn’t compromise on any part of the process to ensure I got the smile and teeth alignment we both wanted. A huge thank you to her and her assistant Jen who made every effort to make me feel comfortable throughout. Highly recommended.San
San James
San James
17:16 02 Aug 23
My visit to Richard last week went well. He identified that x rays hadn’t been taken for 3 years, and showed me the images, interpreting the results carefully and explaining the steps that may be required as treatment. I am disappointed that I will need to have another consultation to confirm if a root canal is needed. Warning: if you do need a consultation with the endodontist, you will need to pay in advance. I couldn’t do that on the day, but I will be booking in to have this followed up as soon as I can. I will need my own teeth for many more years!
Emma Mulholland
Emma Mulholland
15:31 18 Oct 23
Over the years I`ve found that the Briars delivers consistently high quality dental care and yesterday was no exception. I recieved first class root canal treatment by Dr. Richard Condon and team. Everything was explained carefully and despite my misconceptions was delivered pain free. I have no hesitation in recommending the Briars.
Mark Batten
Mark Batten
10:42 24 Oct 23
Having just completed a course of treatment with The Briars I can strongly recommend Fady and his team. Thank you for your straightforward and thorough approach, and for providing treatment in a stress-free environment.
Tom Saunderson
Tom Saunderson
08:16 02 Nov 23
It was a very welcoming place at the practice with friendly staff whose knowledge was informative and comprehensive. Chelsea was very accommodating and took the time to listen my concerns and provide me with the best advice on what action to take next.
Michael Scrimshaw
Michael Scrimshaw
18:02 23 Nov 23
Had my Hygiene appointment yesterday with lovely Meryl and her nurse Kiera. Meryl was gentle and very thorough. She removed all the staining from my teeth and now they feel super clean. Kiera made sure that I was comfortable throughout the treatment.
Agata Czarnecka
Agata Czarnecka
19:23 18 Jan 24
I highly recommend Briars Dental Care, I can't thank them enough for my teeth, they really put me at ease especially Kody. My teeth have never been straight but over the years they got worse, and made me feel so ashamed and embarrassed by them, now I have nice straight teeth and my confidence back .
Wendy Pearson
Wendy Pearson
09:58 23 Jan 24
Absolutely Excellent service, from the initial phone call with Libby at reception who was so kind, understanding and so helpful and Zoe who helped us on the phone with trying to find us appointments needed and for the amazing care and service received on arrival for treatment that this dental practice is without a doubt outstanding. Five stars is not enough!Highly recommend the briars, lovely staff and top class treatment!
Angel Greaves
Angel Greaves
13:05 07 Feb 24
I can 100% recommend this dental practice as I have been with Briars Dental Centre for a few years now. From the reception staff to the Hygenist and Dentist I have had my confidence boosted in the biggest way. The reception girls are always very professional, helpful, friendly and always make time for a little chat. If it hadn’t been for one of the girls on the reception team I would not have known about the payment plan, which is proving to be well worth it, and gives me free Hygenist and Check-ups and a reduction of 10% on other treatments. Thank you girls for that. You are all fantastic and lovely. Keep doing what you’re doing.My previous Hygenist. Aimee, was absolutely the best and I had no fear going to her. Now I have a new girl, Meryl, and she is also blooming brilliant. Thank you.My dentist, Nicola Murdoch, deserves the most praise having built up my confidence in dentists again. She even adjusts treatments according to my own personal dilemmas, like claustrophobia. She’s just the best. Thank you so much Nicola.
Debbie Huntley
Debbie Huntley
15:45 28 Feb 24
I have just completed my Invisalign treatment and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I wish I had done it sooner! Victoria, Jen and Chelsea were fantastic throughout and I wouldn't hesitate in recommending them.
Jen Woodbridge
Jen Woodbridge
14:38 06 Mar 24
We have received the most amazing service from Rochelle before meeting Dr Holden who will be overseeing my daughters Invisalign treatment. Very professional and approachable team we are very impressed.
Lisa Miles
Lisa Miles
10:11 08 Mar 24
I have just finished my Invisalign treatment with Dr Victoria Holden, I never imagined my teeth would look this good, they are beautiful and straight and I have a glorious smile. The aligners are stress free, comfortable, easy to wear and the scanning was simple. Victoria and Jen have been amazing from start to finish responded to any questions I had. I cannot thank them enough. I would recommend this treatment to any one of any age, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent.
Charlotte Bradford
Charlotte Bradford
09:57 14 Mar 24
Always a good experience at the Briars from the reception team, the hygenist to the dentists themselves . Victoria is the most patient , kind and professional dentist . Highly recommended
Jenny Philcox
Jenny Philcox
16:55 13 Mar 24
I had a lot of discomfort from two adjacent back teeth, the slightest touch of cold drink and it got really painful. The Briars team quickly diagnosed the problem and explained the x-ray images that showed a previous different practice’s root canal had caused decay of the tooth and the adjacent one along with the surrounding bone. I was left with a few choices that were clearly explained to me, but removal of the two teeth was the option I took with an implant replacement for one of them. I was referred to Nick French, who is their implant specialist. I had a process that encouraged the bone to regrow and then the implant. Nick’s demeanour is so calming and his explanations very clear, I had no distress or discomfort at all. I recognised the techniques he uses from the manufacturing industry, they are so advanced that the replacement tooth feels exactly like the one it replaced and now my mouth feels calm for the first time in quite a while. I totally recommend The Briars Dental Centre and Nick French.
David Hartwell
David Hartwell
06:43 04 Apr 24
Having completed my first appointment with Amy at The Briars today I am very happy with the outcome. Everything was very well explained in detail to me and the staff were very polite and professional. Amy’s knowledge was brilliant and the technology used in the appointment was amazingly impressive. It really helped set my mind at ease and pointed me in the right direction for the rest of my treatment journey. I would highly recommend The Briars.
Jonny Paine
Jonny Paine
21:49 19 Apr 24
I’ve been using a periodontal specialist at The Briars for nearly 20 years and have never been disappointed. Treatment and advice has always been top class and has certainly improved the overall health of my teeth.
Martin Shoesmith
Martin Shoesmith
15:26 19 Apr 24
I recently had an appointment with Joanna Craig and I couldn't be happier with the care I received. She was extremely professional and thorough during my cleaning. Her attention to detail was evident, and she made sure I was comfortable throughout the entire process 5 Stars
Neil Garland
Neil Garland
10:41 07 May 24
The Briars Dental Surgery provides an exceptionally friendly and professional service that I would recommend to everyone. I grew up with a fear of dentists born out of difficult childhood experiences. However, I now look forward to my visits with my hygienist Jo Craig and her assistant Kasia. My Associate Dentist Nicola Murdoch provides annual check ups to ensure my overall teeth health remains in great shape. Sharmila has also taken great care of my gums with her specialist expertise. You are in wonderfully safe and caring hands at the Briars and they can cater for everything dental related.
Laurence Berry
Laurence Berry
08:54 10 May 24
All the staff at the Briars are lovely! Having just completed my invisalign treatment I could not be happier with the results! The process was quick and painless and the care given during the treatment was spectacular!
Jake Martin
Jake Martin
09:29 10 May 24
Had a great detailed and well explained consultation with Chelsea regarding my concerns about dental treatment to improve my smile. She was so thorough and the whole thing was very pleasant.
Bridget & Warwick Ryan
Bridget & Warwick Ryan
11:14 13 Jun 24
Great service for a root canal treatment. Dr Richard Condon was very professional, explained everything clearly before doing and after the procedure which lasted for 2 hours. Removed a crown, treated the root canals and replaced with temporary crown. No pain during the procedure at all, just a little that day when the numbness faded. Next day almost back to normal. Great job thank you.
Timothy Brew
Timothy Brew
19:00 19 Jun 24
Had an appointment today with my dentist Victoria Holden. I’m so impressed and grateful 🙏 kind caring efficient professional. I highly recommend and no words to express my gratitude ! Thank you
Natasha Christova
Natasha Christova
12:05 07 Aug 24
First appointment with Richard and Kasia yesturday. It's not my favourite place in the dentists chair but yesterday they made me feel comfortable and confident. We discussed the most suitable dental plan that was right for my needs and Richard put it in place.By the time I got home I had a email with all the information and costings. So professional and empathetic both of them.With gratitude Jo
Joanne Crook
Joanne Crook
13:45 28 Aug 24
After 30 years of constant pain in my head and shoulders I have finally found relief. A consultation with Afif lead to a swift diagnosis and a treatment that has literally changed the quality of my life. Great dentist
Victoria Anderson-Stewart
Victoria Anderson-Stewart
12:38 05 Sep 24
Having moved to the area 2 years ago, I was really hesitant to change dentist but I wish I did it sooner! Richard and team are truly incredible, they make me feel a part of the process and I always come out smiling.Many past experiences throughout my childhood meant the going to the dentist was often anxiety provoking, often ending up in anxiety attacks. I now (dare say) look forward to going to the dentist and feel more calm than I ever had so thank you Richard!I have recently had an onlay fitted and am beyond happy with the whole process and final outcome - you can’t even tell it’s there!Would highly recommend coming to the Briars 💖
Abbie Trussler
Abbie Trussler
16:03 19 Sep 24
Fantastic dental practice. Very well equipped with the latest treatments available combined with warm, friendly staff and a very professional service. Definitely the best experience that I’ve ever had with a dental practice, would highly recommend.
Carol Odendaal
Carol Odendaal
10:11 02 Oct 24
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