Hi everyone, Jo and Amiee here!
We hope you are enjoying the sunshine these past few days – hopefully summer has arrived! It wont be long till the schools break up and parents are faced with finding activities to keep their little ones happy and entertained over the summer. Hopefully the weather will hold out and there will be many opportunities for plenty of outdoor fun and exploring. At the Briars we like to promote whole body wellbeing as this can have an impact on your mouth and what you eat/drink and how you care for your mouth can impact your whole body’s health.
Last week we packed some goodie bags in the car and set off to Speenhamland Primary school to educate the pupils about their teeth, oral hygiene and the effects of sugar as part of their “health week”. We had a great time and made sure we had plenty of prizes to keep the children engaged, or what some may call an act of bribery! When we arrived the children were playing outside, running around and enjoying themselves. The teachers were very welcoming and enjoyed joining in with the questions. Our lovely practice manager, the newly wed Beth, spent some time making a fantastic sugar board.
This is a great visual aid to show the amount of sugar in some common drinks and snacks, even ones that claim to be healthy. It was great to see the reaction from the children and teachers when we presented it.
Having the chance to speak to little ones and educating them from an early age is key to help keep a healthy mouth, and it’s great to see that schools are on board. The children were as always, very enthusiastic and keen to ask questions, answer questions and tell us all about their experiences. We hope that some of the messages got across to them and that they will be a little more aware of how to care for their mouths.
Enjoys the sunshine and remember “keeeep brushing!!”
love Amiee and Jo
For detailed information on the treatments we provide, or to book an appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch.