Good Afternoon Everyone!
How is it the middle the week already!? It’s back to work for me after a much-needed week off dabbling in a bit of sun, a bit of sand, and the occasional naughty cream tea…
My husband and I spent a lot of last week travelling the UK. On Saturday, we drove over to Wales with my family to do Europe’s longest zip line, and a zip line adventure in the Caverns – one of those brilliant ideas that you think up after too many glasses of bubbly at Christmas(!) I enjoyed both the experiences immensely – but I have to say, the Caverns tested me more than I thought they would. I’m not particularly scared of heights, nor am I afraid of being underground – but I did not like not being able to put my feet on solid ground. I feel like there’s a metaphor in there somewhere for my preferred way of living – stability never hurt anyone though, right? I would highly recommend both of our adventures – but would definitely plan for a longer stay next time – it’s such a beautiful part of the world!
After our Welsh adventure, Rich and I parted ways with my family, and drove down to Devon to see his. Since moving down to Devon, Rich’s Dad has started working in the local pannier market, selling his paintings, putting on watercolour masterclasses – finally living life as an artist. I have been in awe of John’s work for the last 10 years – but I had never really thought about the amount of time and effort that goes into his art. We chatted for a long time about the attention to detail that really sets apart his work, and makes it a thousand times better than anything I could ever hope to achieve. I thought about it a lot afterwards and couldn’t help but think of the parallels it draws with dentistry. I’m almost certain word association when it comes to ‘dentistry’ wouldn’t usually include ‘art’ – but at times, that is exactly what it is. I’ve had 8 years of watching dentists restore teeth that have looked entirely hopeless – molars with craters in the middle, front teeth with half a side chipped off, front teeth worn down to stumps. I’ve watched them sculpt layers of filling material into complete masterpieces, leaving absolutely no indication that a filling exists in a tooth. Dental artists transform lives, they bring confidence back to people who dread showing their teeth when they smile – their art matters. So here is a shout out to all the unappreciated artists out there – whether your art is on paper, on the walls, in the mouth, on the streets, or even just in a seriously good-looking spreadsheet – it all matters.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend ahead – for me, the promise of sunshine and temperatures above 20 degrees is always a winner! ????
Amy x
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