Hi there, my name is Jo, I’m one of the Dental Hygienists at The Briars.
This is my first ever blog, I thought to myself… “Why let Amy have all the fun?!”
I spend a lot of my time cycling, walking or running and I have spent a large part of my life competing in distance or endurance events from triathlon, to rowing and am currently training for my first ever 100km walk! I say first, but it is likely to be the only 100km event I take on both for my sanity, and for that of my husband and children!
While training for these events, it is vital to keep hydrated and to replace minerals lost in sweat during those long sessions. It got me to thinking about the possible dental effects of sports drinks, because the continued use of these over a long period can cause devastating damage to the teeth in two ways: decay and erosion.
Decay is caused by acids produced when sugar and plaque are combined. The risk is increased the more frequently sugar is consumed so in an ideal world we would only have water and sugar free snacks between meals. Erosion is the loss of dental tooth tissue due to acidic foods and drinks being consumed frequently over a prolonged period of time. So again, it is best not to consume acidic or fizzy drinks between meals. Erosion is also a problem for patients who suffer from bulimia or acid reflux, and those who taste wine.
So what advice can I give to all those budding endurance event participants!?
So, enjoy these lovely warm days, and make sure you think about the sensible way to keep hydrated to look after those lovely smiles!
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