Happy February Everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed the snow days we had over the weekend – what a way to kick off the month! ????
We all made it in on Friday morning, but ended up shutting up shop at 1pm to make sure we all made it home safely. Before we went, we did manage to make ourselves our very own Briars snowman – complete with a full set of teeth! What do you think of him?!
Having been ‘snowed in’ for the weekend, I thought I would take the opportunity to do three things:
As lazy as it sounds, I really enjoyed just being able to be in the company of the people I love for the whole weekend and lark about doing very little, rather than worrying about running errands and getting jobs done.
It was bliss!
Even when we all finally got to work on Friday, there was a really excitable atmosphere about the place (possibly just residual adrenaline from us all driving in!) There’s always a good team spirit here, but when you get a day like Friday, we just seem to gel even more – even if it’s just a phone call to see how the journey is going, or making a cup of tea to go for the ones travelling that bit further – we’re a good bunch here. The girls crafting The Briars very first snowman was awesome too – he attracted a lot of attention from people wandering past, hopefully his smile didn’t scare too many children(!)
We know it’s not all fun and games:
The cold weather, and all the fun the snow brings can cause some dental problems – even if it’s just sensitivity when you breathe in! Remember, we are always here to help, even if it’s just a minor concern – we might be able to help make those first moments in the cold more comfortable. It could be as simple as recommending a different toothpaste. If you have had any accidents, such as a chipped or broken tooth from too much fun sledging – get in touch with your dentist as soon as you can to keep the damage as minimal as possible.
Look after yourselves, and have a great rest of the week!
Amy x
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