Hi Everyone!
I can’t believe we’ve finally made it into December! It only seems like 5 minutes ago I was blogging about getting out into the sunshine and lapping up that Vitamin D – those lovely light nights seem so far gone now! The big Christmas tree in my living room more than makes up for travelling to and from work in the dark – one of the reasons I love to get into the festive season! My poor tree has however, unwillingly gained a second role in life – the most expensive, and extravagant cat toy known to man. Once upon a time, Richard and I dragging a big, bushy tree into the living room would give them the fear – this year, we had an audience who were absolutely transfixed by the new addition. Last night we had two baubles taken down, this morning, five. I can only hope by the time I get home that the whole thing is still standing. It’s karma for laughing when I saw Argos were selling half Christmas trees.
I took part in the annual Thatcham Santa Fun Run on Sunday – something which is rapidly turning into an annual event with my family! Last year we were up against the snow, so this year was mild by comparison! A little muddy in places…but nothing hundreds of Santa’s couldn’t handle – although I can’t say any of us appreciated the downpour mid-run! Our specialist Endodontist Nigel ran the Newbury Santa Fun Run at the beginning of December, and faced similar conditions. What we do to get into the festive spirit, hey!?
It’s a hugely busy time of the year for everyone – GP surgeries are full up with winter coughs and colds, the high street is full of Christmas shoppers bringing their lists to life, and the food shops are getting ready for the big Christmas rush. When I was in sixth form, I used to work on the tills at my local Tesco, and I have vivid memories of the Christmas rush being nothing short of a total nightmare. The queues used to take up the width of the shop, and the trolleys were either stacked sky high, or they’d be in convoy – 2, 3, 4 trolley loads per shop. It was chaos. I have every sympathy for the dedicated people behind the tills at this time of year – it is not an easy ride for them over the holidays, so give them a smile, even if you have been queuing for the best part of an hour!
We are as busy as ever here at The Briars, with our patients keeping us nice and busy right up until the Christmas break! Our Hygienists, Amiee and Jo have been non-stop for the past couple of weeks, and are fully booked right up until Christmas Eve! Our lovely ladies love to get their patient’s teeth nice and sparkly for all the Christmas parties, and for Father Christmas of course…! We have a unique polishing system called ‘air flow treatment’ which uses a powerful combination of air, water and fine crystal powder to ensure all those pesky stains are lifted, leaving behind a much brighter smile. If you’re interested in trying this out, let our reception team know when you book in!
2 weeks to go everyone!
Amy x
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